what is depression

Depression: What Is It, Types, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and More

Sadness, feeling low, and holding a loss of concern or joy in daily movements are common emotions for all of us. Though if they continue and touch our stories heavily, the problem may be depression. In such cases, consult your therapy or specialists, follow your medicines correctly, also get your maintenance medicines through an online pharmacy in the Philippines to never run out of these essential medicines.

What is depression?

Depression is a medicinal ailment that transforms your desire and mood to perform. Depressive symptoms include feeling unhappy, worried, or sad. The situation can also cause trouble with thought, fantasy, dining, and sleeping. Without therapy, it can become more severe and last longer. In challenging situations, it can cause self-harm or death. 

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What are the types of depression?

Here are the different types of mental health that include:

Major depression

A person with major depressive disorder undergoes a permanent mood of sadness. They may drop interest in tasks that they enjoy. Treatment commonly requires practitioners, psychotherapy, and medicines.

Persistent depressive disorder

Additionally identified as dysthymia, the persistent depressive disorder produces signs that persist for at least two years. An individual with this condition may have experiences of major depressive as well as more moderate signs.

Bipolar disorder

It is a usual sign of bipolar disorder, and a study explains that somebody with this disorder may have signs throughout half of the time. This can cause bipolar disorder difficulty to differentiate from mental health.

Psychotic depressive disorder

Many people undergo psychosis depressive disorder. Psychosis can include delusions, including false expectations and a detachment from the truth. It can additionally include hallucinations — sensing something that does not exist.

Postpartum depressive

There is no particular reason for this mental health issue, and it can continue for periods. Anyone who encounters continuing brain health concerns after childbirth should inquire about medical care.

Major depressive disorder 

It raises throughout the rest of the year and in response to moderate treatment. Individuals who exist in nations with prolonged or close winters appear to be touched more by this situation.

What are the causes of depression?

There are different causes of mental health that includes:

  • Brain chemistry
  • Genetics
  • Life issues
  • Medical states
  • Medication
  • Personality

Brain chemistry: Irregularities in brain chemical levels may start with melancholy.

Genetics: If you have any family member with a mental health problem, you will feel depressed genetically.

Life issues: Anxiety, the death of a loved one, trauma, loneliness, and lack of care can produce mental health concern

Medical states: Continuous physical pain and disorders can produce melancholy. Individuals usually panic because of conditions like diabetes, cancer, and Parkinson’s.

Medication: Some medications produce grief as a side effect. Recreational medications and drinks can additionally cause panic or perform it more acutely.

Personality: Individuals who are simply confused may be apt to panic.

What are the depression symptoms?

The different symptoms of brain health can include:

  • a sad feeling
  • reduced concern or pleasure in movements once had
  • a lack of sexual desire
  • variations in appetite
  • accidental weight loss or gain
  • napping too much or also little
  • anxiety, excitement, and pacing up and down
  • reduced mobility and speech
  • weakness or energy loss
  • emotions of worthlessness or liability
  • trouble remembering, concentrating, or delivering decisions
  • repeated thoughts of death or suicide, or a trial at suicide


The hidden signs and symptoms of brain health issues
In Females In males In college students In teens In children
irritability avoiding families  difficulty concentrating on schoolwork withdrawing from friends  crying
anxiety working without a break Insomnia difficulty concentrating on schoolwork low energy
fatigue difficulty keeping up with work  sleeping too much feeling guilty, clinginess
mood swings displaying abusive  a decrease or increase in appetite Feeling hopeless defiant behavior
ruminating  avoiding social situations avoiding social situations restlessness vocal outbursts

How can depression be cured? 

While brain health concerns cannot be cured, there are potent methods that help with recovery. The newer treatment starts, the more robust it may be. Many individuals with panic recover after attending a treatment program. Even with good mental wellness, though, a loss may occur. To prevent the loss, individuals who practice medicine for panic should proceed with treatment after signs improve or go continuously for as long as their specialist recommends.

How is depression syndrome treated?

There are different ways to treat them including:

  • Self-help
  • Counseling
  • Alternative medicine
  • Medication
  • Brain stimulation therapy

What are depression Medications?

There are different ways available to treat depressed people. But in many cases, specialists suggest getting an online depression medicine to treat the body as per the condition. Your healthcare provider may direct:

  • antidepressants
  • antianxiety
  • antipsychotic medications

Depression statistics in the Philippines

Here is the data of depression in the Philippines, including:

Depression hotline in the Philippines

If you have signs of mental health issues, consult your healthcare provider. They can provide you an actual diagnosis, connect you to a specialist or advise treatment alternatives.

If you or someone you understand is imagining hurting themselves or bringing their own life:

  • Call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 (TYY: 1-800-799-4TTY (4889).
  • Go to the emergency administration of your hospital.
  • Communicate with a healthcare provider.
  • Talk to a trusted friend, family member, or pure leader.


Depression can be short-lived, or it can be a long-term hurdle. Treatment doesn’t eternally prevent your panic from going away entirely. But, treatment usually causes symptoms to be more flexible. Managing symptoms of mental health include deciding the correct sequence of medications and procedures.


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