Asthma Medicine

Asthma Disease: Types, Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment

Asthma is a chronic disease that causes wheezing and can make it challenging to breathe. It may produce allergen, irritants, infections, spontaneous stress, and other circumstances. It produces the inner surfaces of the airways to heighten, enlarge and congest. During a respiratory and asthma attack, the airways will increase, the muscles throughout them will contract, enhancing the complexity for air to move in and out.

What is Asthma disease?

It is a long-term disease hitting the airways. It includes inflammation and shortening inside the lungs, which limits air stores. Asthma attacks can occur suddenly and vary from mild to severe. In some cases, swelling occurs in the airways; oxygen cannot enter necessary organs. 

Hence, people who feel severe symptoms require urgent medical care. You can check from an online pharmacy in the Philippines for a specialist to get online prescription medicines and other information.

An individual may undergo:

  • tightness in the breast
  • wheezing
  • breathing difficulty
  • coughing
  • enlarged mucus creation

What are the types of Asthma?

It can occur in many different ways and for many different reasons, but the triggers are often the same. 

The sections below list some common Asthma types include:

  1. Childhood 
  2. Adult-onset 
  3. Occupational
  4. Seasonal 

What are the symptoms of Asthma disease?

Asthma in the Philippines shows signs and symptoms that differ from person to person. Symptoms include:

  • breathing difficulty
  • Chest pain
  • Wheezing when exhaling
  • coughing
  • sleeping trouble
  • cold, cough, or flu

How to prevent Asthma disease?

While there’s no method of asthma prevention, consult the doctor and follow the step-by-step plans to get rid of attacks.

  • Track your progress plan: With your consultant team, draft a complete plan for using asthma medicines and maintaining an attack for prevention.
  • Take vaccinated for influenza diseases and pneumonia: Taking a complete jab of vaccinations can block flu and pneumonia.
  • Recognize and avoid the triggers: Various outdoor diseases such as dust, mold, and cold air can be irritating and lead to attacks.
  • Observe your breathing: You may study to identify warning signs of an imminent attack, including cough, wheeze, or breathing issues.
  • Recognize and treat attacks in the beginning: If you perform promptly, you’re less likely to have a determined attack. You likewise won’t require as much medicine to regulate your signs.
  • Practice your medicine as prescribed: Don’t modify your medications without the doctor’s recommendations. 
  • Pay attention to increasing quick-relief inhaler use: If you notice yourself relying on your quick-relief asthma inhaler, maybe your disease isn’t under control. Consult your specialist about changing your treatment.

Is Asthma curable?

No, this disease cannot be cured. Some children with Asthma will relinquish it by adulthood. However, for many, it is a permanent condition. It is essential to living a healthful life. More current treatments are highly efficient. You can additionally overcome your risk of attacks with lifestyle alterations.

How to treat Asthma?

There are 3 steps to treat that includes:

  • Follow your symptoms:

Pen down your new and usual symptoms each day. Record-keeping symptoms can benefit your understanding when you require to perform treatment modifications. 

  • Note how properly your lungs are running:

Your specialist may have you constantly report the lung function tests. If your lungs are not running correctly, it means it is not in proper control.

  • Modify treatment according to your symptoms:

When your lungs aren’t operating correctly, you may be required to adjust your treatment according to the plan you produced with your doctor. 

What is the treatment for Asthma?

Treatment may vary as per the stages. Different types of medicines include as an asthma diagnosis:

Long-term control medications: 

These medications work as a diagnosis, keep under control on a day-to-day basis and make it less likely you’ll have an attack. Types of long-term control medications include:

  • Inhaled corticosteroids 
  • Leukotriene modifiers
  • Combination inhalers 
  • Theophylline

Quick-relief medications:

It is used as needed for speedy, short-term symptom relief during an attack. They may additionally be used before exercise if your specialist suggests it. Signs of quick-relief medicines include:

  • Short-acting beta-agonists
  • Anticholinergic agents
  • Oral and intravenous corticosteroids

Allergy medications:

This diagnosis may assist if your disease is triggered or worsened by allergies. These include:

  • Allergy shots 
  • Biologics


Asthma is a chronic provocative disease that produces swelling in the airways. It can attack people of any age, and the signs can vary from moderate to critical. In most states, adequate treatment can assist an individual in living a complete and fruitful life.

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