Hepatitis C is a liver ailment. This condition can beget two types of complications, either short-term (acute) or long-term (chronic) disease. Persistent hepatitis C is usually regarded as dangerous, even life-threatening complexities. No matter the type, whether it is acute or chronic, it’s a spreading infection provoked by the hepatitis C virus.

If you have been diagnosed with hepatitis C or any of your closed ones has it, you may be worried about hepatitis C virus transmission. That’s absolutely reasonable. It’s vital to learn that the chief means of transmission is through exposure to infected blood of the affected person. This implies that the blood of an affected body anyhow enters inside the healthy body of someone who wasn’t affected yet.


The most basic way of hepatitis C virus transmission is using contaminated needles or other tools for injecting medicines or drugs. It can further spread in a hospital environment, such as from an inadvertent needle stem.

A mom can give it to her child during delivery. The virus can also spread through sharing toothbrushes, razors, or other intimate care things with an infected person. There is a high potential for virus transmission through sexual contact. This actually occurs if one healthy person has many sex companions or they take interest in rough intercourse or has a sexually spreading infection or are affected with HIV.

It’s potential that the virus can be spread during tattooing or body piercing if the artist or practitioner doesn’t obey proper hygienic disciplines.

Read Also: Cirrhotic: Considering liver transplant a better option!

How to Prevent the Spread of Hep C

  • Never share needles:

People who take drugs intravenously are at great risk of getting affected with hepatitis C for sharing infected and dirty needles. Apart from needles, other drug tools for illicit addiction can also carry harmful virus components. Even a group of druggists can catch hepatitis C virus if they share a contaminated straw or dollar bill to snort cocaine. Bleeding in the nose usually occurs when taking cocaine this style, and tiny droplets may invade the fodder and be transferred on to the subsequent user, even if they can’t be detected.

  • Avoid straight exposure to blood or blood items:

Medical workers or nursing the crew who tend to come in close contact with patients’ blood on a regular basis while serving their duty, there is a great opportunity of virus transmission of hepatitis C. It is very important that the healthcare management employ proper sterilization measures and hygiene maintenance. Any medical instruments or tools that carry blood in the healthcare wards should be discharged out cautiously or cleaned to prevent hepatitis C infection.

  • Don’t share intimate care items:

Many objects that we use on a regular basis often get exposed to blood. Usually, people mistakenly cut themselves while shaving or suffer from gum bleeding while brushing their teeth. Even a little portion of blood can affect someone, so it is essential not to share personal care things such as nail and hair clippers, toothbrushes, scissors, and. If you have been diagnosed with hepatitis C, always keep your personal items separately and out of kind’s access.

  • Choose parlours carefully for tattooing or piercing:

If you are willing to get a tattoo or get pierced, make sure you go for a genuine store where the practitioners assure proper hygiene and use sterilized products and tools for the job. A fresh, unused, disposable needle and ink well should be utilised for each client. If in uncertainty, inquire about their used items and hygienic modes before getting your skin touched with their equipment.

  • Practice safe sex:

It is uncommon for hepatitis C to be transferred through sexual intercourse, but there is a greater risk of catching hepatitis C if you have HIV, another sexually transferred illness, many sex companions, or if you involve in harsh sex.


Testing and diagnosis of hepatitis c

To detect the virus of Hepatitis C, doctors usually conduct a regular blood test to see the total amount of the hepatitis C virus present in your blood (viral load). Then the pathological experts identify the genotype of the virus. Next, the doctors conduct one or more diagnoses to ascertain whether you have chronic liver disease or not. Further tests include Magnetic resonance elastography (MRE), Transient elastography, Liver biopsy, and Transient elastography.

Prudent Ways to Control Hepatitis C

The control of Hepatitis C Virus is only possible by following the instruction of your doctor and taking proper medications as prescribed by the doctor. Since there is no vaccine to prevent hepatitis C from the root, but if you have some of the symptoms of hepatitis C, it is better to see a doctor at the earliest.

You should go for each diagnosis and test to discover the real matter with your health condition. If hepatitis C is diagnosed at the earliest stage, it can be prevented by taking proper medications, treatment cycles and maintaining a wholesome lifestyle. Apart from medications, you must avoid alcohol, high-fat food and eat more green and fibres.

Also, make sure that you keep your personal belongings separately and use them individually without sharing with anyone. Practise proper protection while having sex with a partner. Thus you can ensure safety for your near and dear ones.

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